How to get Central Park’s event permit (easily)?

Central Park is not a private venue that has exclusive relationship with some particular wedding ceremony planners/officiants/companies.

ANYONE can apply and get approved for the park’s event permit. Sometimes applications submitted by the couples are getting reviewed/approved FASTER.

It will take less than 10 minutes of your time and will cost you $25.50. YES! That easy!

How to get availability confirmation and then approval asap? (See the screenshots below for visual reference)

Important: you can only apply for a permit if your desired date is 22 or more days away. NO ONE can apply for the permit, if the date is closer - closer dates will be shown as inactive in the calendar that is on the park’s website.

  1. Create an account on this website:

  2. Start the application by filing out your personal details on “Applicant information” page. Provide your personal contacts, as that is how an event permit’s worker will reach you out in case desired time slot is not available.

  3. Go to the next page: “Event Information” and fill out information about your event.

    For the “event start time” indicate the time that is 1 hour PRIOR your desired ceremony start. And “event end time” the hour after. ALWAYS APPLY FOR 2 HOURS TIMESLOT - just to be safe in case someone is late/if the space will need cleaning, etc. The price for 1 hour slot and 2 hours slot is the same - $25.5. You CAN NOT apply for more than 2 hours long timeslot at one time.

    For example, the ceremony starts at 2pm.

    You must enter:

    Event setup/Start time: 1pm

    Event cleanup/End time: 3pm.

    You do not need to fill out any fields related to “Organization”.

  4. On “Location Information” page you choose the borough, park and desired location in the park.

    Central Park does not issue permits for Dene Summerhouse, only for Dene Lawn. They are against of any events that occupy the gazebo and block park visitors from walking-through (Gazebo is considered to be a sightsee attraction and must remain open to public at all times). If you are planning to have a simple small ceremony without decorations, video setup, etc. you can apply at your own risk, but if you expect to have privacy and permit’s direct coverage, you may want to consider some other location.

  5. On “Questions” page select “No” for all the questions.

  6. Check if the details are correct at “Review and Payment”page and proceed to the payment.

  7. Once you have paid, you will see that your permit status is “Submitted”. Once a park’s worker checks the application, the status will change to “Under review”. In case the timeslot you applied for IS NOT available, they will contact you directly (by phone or email) and inform about that, they will also be able to suggest other timeslots that are available or other locations in case all day is booked at your desired location. In case the time slot IS available NO ONE will contact you and the permit status will change to “Approved” within a week or two (depending on how busy is the event permit department).

You can also provide us your full billing information and credit card and we will apply for you, using your credentials. But again, it is very easy to apply :)