What is an “Elopement Wedding” and Why Should You Consider Having One?

What is an elopement style of wedding?

In generations past, the definition of the word elopement literally meant: running away to get married without telling one’s friends or family. It was the kind of thing that commonly occurred in Victorian novels when someone’s wayward child escaped to marry a secret crush or unsuitable match… But this classic definition of the word elopement has actually changed quite a bit over time.

Nowadays, an elopement wedding means that you are having a small, intimate marriage ceremony where just you and your partner are present, or where it might be you, your partner, and a small group of select friends and/or family members.

Interesting “fun” facts: 
91% of millennials who are planning on getting married say that they would consider doing an elopement service in place of a traditional wedding—and, three out of five previously married millennials say that they would elope if they had to do a wedding ceremony again. In fact, searches for the term “elopement photography ideas” on certain sites rose by 128% in 2019.

So why should YOU consider eloping instead of planning a traditional wedding event?

  1. You don’t need a special wedding venue:
    That’s probably one of the coolest things! You can get married in the middle of Times Square, at one of Central Park’s romantic hideaway spots, on a rooftop with a breathtaking view of the Manhattan skyline, next to the Brooklyn Bridge in Dumbo, or even on the beach in Coney Island.
    The possibilities in NYC are endless and can satisfy any taste—except, perhaps, if you are looking for palm trees on your ceremony day… nah, wait, perhaps we could still come up with some kind of palm trees or tropical decorations for you if that was a must.

  2. It’s a celebration for TWO! Or, two plus a few other cool people…
    While you don’t need to invite your mother’s ex-co-worker’s daughter with three toddlers or your mid-school bestie who hasn’t contacted you since your Bat Mitzvah… you can still invite a few special people who you are currently close to.The choice is up to you for your elopement event as to whether you want to do a private affair, with just you and your partner present, or a small event where you each bring a couple of close family members or friends.

  3. You’ll be pampered by your elopement experience:
    Even though elopement is an intimate kind of a wedding service, you can still enjoy the exciting experience of being a bride or bride groom at your event. A make-up artist and a hairstylist, for example, can come to you privately and prepare you for your special day. At your event, we will have a bridal attendant/wedding assistant ready to wait on you… and, one of our partner florists can design a beautiful bouquet or boutonnière specifically for you. You can, thus, have the complete experience of being pampered and waited on without the added headache (or, expense) that comes with hosting a large event.

  4. You’ll save LOTS of money…
    And, perhaps this reason is one of the best ones for doing an elopement event versus a large wedding… you will save money that you can then use elsewhere. Perhaps for your honeymoon? Or, maybe for a down payment on a house? Whatever your reason might be for wanting to spend less, doing an elopement event instead of a large wedding plus reception is a perfect way to do that!

  5. The planning process will be a lot easier:

How many couples do you know who did have large weddings with receptions only to say after that the planning process was a nightmare? How many other couples do you know who want to have large weddings but, then when they get started trying to organize them, realize that the planning process is an all-consuming one—and, just taking care of it ends up cutting into other things, like work responsibilities. With an elopement service, however, the planning process is much more streamlined, which means that you and your partner have more time for you—and, overall, less stress!


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